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Women ‘brushed off’ by the health care system to ‘suffer in silence’, study reveals

Posted on 31 January 2022

Many women feel they are not being listened to about their health needs with older women feeling invisible to health professionals, and women throughout their lives experiencing a lack of empathy around problems relating to menstruation, fertility, childbirth and menopause, a major new report reveals.

Alongside issues relating to womens physiology, women consistently raised the problem of mental health and the difficulty of finding information and support.

Researchers at the universities of 泫圖弝けapp, Newcastle and Manchester, with the Kings Fund, conducted a series of focus groups to reveal the experiences of a diverse group of women, and discuss what they would like to see in the Strategy. 

Women's voices

Dr Holly Essex, lead author, from the Department of Health Sciences at the 泫圖弝けapp, said: Our report allows womens voices to be heard in a way that enables the government to embed their priorities in a health service that is more responsive to their needs.

The focus group conversations reveal feelings of being  brushed off; of not being listened to; of being invisible; of symptoms not always being treated seriously; of a lack of information for womens health issues; and of being in the dark about the state of their health.

One 45 year-old woman told the researchers that: Going to the doctors isnt an enjoyable experience because they dont listen. Thats the problem for me. I just dont go now.


Alongside issues relating to womens physiology, women consistently raised the problem of mental health and the difficulty of finding information and support.  Women reported a perception of inadequate services, therapies, follow-up and support for women who experienced mental health problems.

One 36 year-old participant said: I think mental health just being a woman in general and having kids and working. There's a lot, just basic stuff that we could be going through that we end up suffering in silence."

The report noted that this feeling of suffering in silence was relevant across the age ranges, but particularly for older women who often had caring responsibilities.


Dr Gemma Spiers, a co-author based at Newcastle University, who led the focus groups for women aged 65 and over, said:

"Women live longer and experience more disability than men in later life, yet older women told us that they feel 'written off' and struggle to access the support they need."


Co-author Professor Karen Bloor, from the 泫圖弝けapp, added: our study revealed womens uncertainties about and struggles with many aspects of their health and access to health services. We hope that the governments Womens Health Strategy will hear these womens voices and act upon them.

Further information:

The Partnership for Responsive Policy Analysis and Research (PREPARE), funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), is a partnership between the Kings Fund and the 泫圖弝けapp, supporting policy making by providing fast, responsive analysis for the Department of Health and Social Care.  This project also involved colleagues at the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Older People and Frailty Policy Research Unit. 

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Shelley Hughes
Deputy Head of Media Relations (job share)

Tel: +44 (0)1904 323918

About this research

Women’s priorities for women’s health reports the voices of a diverse group of women and what they wanted to be incorporated into the new Womens Health Strategy for England.

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