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Our response to the situation in Ukraine

Posted on 17 March 2022

On Thursday 17 March, the University VC wrote to all staff and PG researchers to share information about the University's ongoing response to the situation in Ukraine.

Dear all,

As the appalling situation in Ukraine following Putin's invasion continues to unfold, I'd like to update you on how we are responding.

We are a University of Sanctuary in a City of Sanctuary. As we have in other conflicts, we will act accordingly to support those at risk. As a University, we are putting in place additional scholarship provision and other financial support for current and future students affected by the conflict. We will be fundraising so we can do more. We are supporting the work of the Council for At Risk Academics (CARA) to provide a place of safety in the UK for academics displaced by the conflict. And we are working with the City Council and other local partners to see how we can best coordinate our actions to the benefit of those needing sanctuary.

Our response as a University community has shown characteristic compassion. Many of you have been in touch asking how you can offer support financially or through volunteering. And we know that some staff may be interested in opening up their homes to welcome refugees.

Alongside the many national charities supporting those affected, the University is enabling contributions through our Equal Access Fund giving page, and thank you in advance for any support.

The situation is fast-moving, so we will host information on the actions we are taking, and the various ways you can help, on this dedicated web page.

We recognise that many in Russia do not support the invasion of the Ukraine, and I for one have been inspired by those who have expressed their protest, with all the risks that entails. We have reviewed all our institutional relationships with Russia. We can confirm the University does not have current donations or grants from individuals or organisations in Russia, and nor do we hold investments in Russian companies. We are not aware of any current, formal institutional ties with partners in Russia, or institutional grants with Russian research bodies. We encourage anyone with any concerns or personal-level collaborations to get in touch with Associate Deans for Research, or the Research Grant Office, so we can help understand and support the best way forward.

We will continue to monitor the situation as it evolves and will remain in close contact with both Ukrainian and Russian members of our community to offer support whenever needed.

Best wishes
